Tuesday, December 2, 2008


O LORD, you have searched me and known me! 2You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.3You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.4Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.5You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. Psalm 139 ESV

So...I bought a house. Yep that's right I am a homeowner. I thank God for the financial wisdom my parents passed down to me all my life. So now at 31 (cough , cough) I have a mortgage I can comfortably afford.
Anyway, I think I sould explain the title of my blog. "Tat" means "dad" in Polish pronounced "tot". I love my tat. Very much. However we don't have the typical father-daughter relationship. He's old-school from the old-country. He show's love through provision and action. He's quiet, he works hard for us. He's mine.
We, meaning myself, brother Andy, his wife Theresa and of course my parents worked all weekend ripping down wallpaper, priming walls and painting. We worked like crazy stopping briefly to devour Thanksgiving leftovers to gain some energy to keep working. By Sunday we had accomplished painting 2 bedrooms and the living room, dining room and hallways and taking down most of the remaining wallpaper. Side note: my mom is a champ at steaming and removing wallpaper if you ever need anyone she's the woman. At 62, her fees aren't cheap though.
However, being the slightly type A personality that I am I felt the need to put a second coat on the living/dining/hallway walls. I went after work Monday night. My mom called and asked if I wanted my dad to come and help. I said "no" I could do it myself (type A) and besides tat worked all day (shameless plug for General Motors here! Buy GM keep my dad employed!).
So about 10 minutes in I got my radio going, I'm in my groove getting my paint on and here comes tat! At first I'm a little annoyed because again, type A and I feel bad that he's not at home relaxing and bothering my mom. ;) But I let him in and help me.
As we're both painting away and I'm feeling a tad awkward with Justin Timberlake singing about bringing something back from the radio I get a little love tap from God. I realize how often I don't accept help from people because "I can do it myself..." "You worked all day it's OK..." "You've done so much for me already..." But how lousy of a job we do when we do it alone. Because my dad ignored my request and came anyway a 4 hour job turned into a 1.5 hour job and it wasn't lousy! How often do we turn away God because of pride, guilt and sometimes even laziness! Yet He always comes through! He ignores our silly turn aways and gives us a hand. He knows what we need before we need it and He provides with out the "nah nah nah nah nah I told you so silly girl!"
It also reminded me of something a great guy at church, Ryan Edlind, said to me once. "Margaret you are blocking the blessings! Stop it!" Ha ha ha!
Thanks Tat!

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